Senin, 27 Juli 2015

catatan 27 juli

first day at school.... yasudahlah.. yg hidup sulit bukan cuman gue kok... kalo nonton Kick Andy yg sebelum TV i diboikot keberadaannya.... hahahaha sbenernya... rusak dan males bli yg baru... sbagai gantinya... nyokap lebih demen make inet... smacam streaming gitulah....dan... zzzzzzzz.... i blogging gini juga di mana ajaaa bboooyyyeeee.... zzzzzzzzz..... btw.... masih dgn keberadaan... bahwa ketika ngajar... tiba tiba ngeluyur ajalah ni pikiran.... tapi bagusnya... skarang ini bisa banget diredam.... tinggal switch and deep down saying.... Mit.. u wanna loose ur job? just concentrate... a few more minute... stelah kelas berlangsung.... hmmmm toh cuman ampe high noon ini... stelah itu kan tugas ini itu toohh??? dan... yauwislah... keep striving... keep going...keep ur head forwarding to the front.....keep doing good... do not cross the border... keep on believing.... krn... alamaaakkkk.... ngeread artikel di FB.... about some 8 people yg tewas gak jelas ketika mreka dgn gamblang mengatakan bahwa Tuhan ngga ada..... termasuk di dalamnya John Lennon dan Marilyn Monroe..... mmmmmm sbenernya.... hal hal smacam biji cabe yg nyelilit ketika makan yg sbenernya gak perlu pedes itu.... yaa anggep aja hal yg biasa aja.... teruslah FAIR for ur self... bahwa sbenernya ngga ada yg gratis.... ngasih pertolongan ke orang itu... slagi masih muda itu... bisa jadi rugi rugi gimanaaa gitu... krn belum tentu nyebar benih itu.. nanti jadinya buah....krn orang berbuat baik itu juga ngga gratisan.... sukur sukur orang yg kita baikin ngga berbuat kejahatan.... "jangan berpikir bahwa kamu ngga akan pernah dimakan singa.. hanya karna kamu ngga pernah makan daging singa" smentara kamu hidup di sirkus atau di hutan belantara atau di savana africa.... keep remember that.... tapiiii... hiks hiks hiks hiks.....masih banyak boooo yg hidupnya lebih sulit....bersyukur ajalah yaaa.... masih bisa ngerasain hal hal yg mungkin belom pernah dirasa orang lain....

Minggu, 05 Juli 2015

Trip To Bandung 3-5 July 2015

yesterday we visit Saung Mang Udjo in one special place in Bandung Area...i started to fallen in love with the tradition that occur in this place....the dances...the harmony of the people... and every kind of anything that related to Sundanese...aaaaayyyyeeee may i just call them Sundanian hahahahah...... it remind me of one of my boyf...cannot tell a lot about him... but every single thing, since i enjoy the delightful of the rhytm (i dunno how to spell rhytm... not really well on spelling thou) and the glorious harmony of those people who managed well and arranged on the show... how i love them all... including the can the show goes so really really well without any mistakes and waw amazing thou..... about 4-5 years ago... when i left java island to visit manado, north sulawesi... i cannot forget the beauty of the biggest aquarium ever...amazingly with the warmth of the feeling well in there... God.... It is kind of dilemma for me.... i know i cannot choose which one is best for me....but it occur a kind of feeling that may retain for a long time if the decision yet not be taken sooner.... my prayer since... i don't really remember when... but.... who am i going to spend my latest time will be??? just finish my problem with the decision that....... well can i take my own decision??? this is my live yet i k by myself of which am i going to spend my last live with siapa??? now i fallen tears in my heart... being gloomy and nervous.... let me just see the end of the novel u wrote for me.....because i want to know.... whose am i going to be with??? the poeple???? whose actually living thing?? or the scenery and the nature??? it is not about something....but for me also... God is living thing...of which i am not living to praise the non living thing ......... although sometimes it cannot abide ... right??? just be quick for the answer....i am deadly need it so super very fast...i am just an ordinary one.... just special in some case... not as the whole T__T ow gees..... until when????

Senin, 28 Juli 2014

berlebaran sambil berpikir

sebuah keluarga yg diberkati oleh Tuhan tentulah keluarga yang diidam-idamkan semua makhluk Tuhan... seperti saya... lama saya berpikir... saya nantinya menikah dengan siapa siiihhh?? dan yang jelas setelah menjadi bagian dari keluarga pihak pria... sebuah keluarga dari pihak laki-laki... tentunya mengharapkan calon wanitanya untuk benar-benar takut akan Allah... dan mungkin seperti sedianya sebuah keluarga yg ngga menantikan pihak wanita yang neko-neko dan menginginkan banyak hal.... yg terlalu berlebihan.... seorang wanita memang inginnya dimanja dan disirami kata kata cinta.... hhhhhh lebeee.... tapi yaa kenyataannya... ketika mereka ngga mendapatkan apa yg seharusnya mereka dapatkan... ternyata... akan ada saja masalah yg ditimbulkan.... layaknya seorang pria yg senang memperdebatkan sesuatu hingga bertengkar... wanita pun ngga dinyana memang ngga jauh berbeda... ada saja yg dibicarakan dan pertengkarkan....hedeh.... sekitar seminggu yg lalu.... masalah itupun muncul... dan berlandaskan rasa JELES (ngga penting yakkk!!!) penting penting ngga penting buat saya mah... tapi yg jelas... kalau masih ada cara lain yaaa entahlah.... aduh ngisup dah ni pala... gausah dibawa berlarut-larut di blog ini dah

Selasa, 08 Juli 2014


sebenernya kasus lupa itu ngga bisa lagi dimodifikasi atau dianyulir dalam kehidupan saya... ngga tau kenapa kasus ini parah total... jangankan lupa tanggal jadian sama wo de airen... eee kalo udah jadian sama wo de airen skian tahun aja juga lupa.... alhasil... selalu ingin nyari wo de airen yang lain.... padahal maunya nyetia tapi malahan slalu berpikir kalo wo de airen itu milik cewe lain sehingga ampe ngga mau ngedeketin wo de airen.... malahan karena yaaa wo de airennya sendiri sibuknya keterlaluan.... yaaa ngga salah dooonggg.... entahlah.... pikun kok sampe kaya gitu.... tapi begitu liburan tiba..... wo de airen emang ngga ngapa-ngapain... tapinya yaaaa ngablo dan galau total gitu ampe kadang saking ku nya... saking sedihnya.... ampe ku yang kluar air mata... hedeh... cpd.... wo de airen.... kokoh darla.... nelpon kek yaaa... esia aku nunggu loohh.... tapi antara jam 6 sampe jam 8 malem aja yaa availablenya..... btw ini updatean pertama di skola baru yiyey

Senin, 30 Juni 2014

The Prodigal Son

one day, there is a very very rich and wealthy family.... the father request to his children... okay my sons ( as he has 2 beloved sons ) i want to know... what do you request for both of you... i will command to my maid to serve you what ever you wish.... and the first child said.... father let yours will be done.... while the second child said... father i wish for half of your wealthiness to be brought for me all together.... and his father give the request to both of them... the father asked... why you don't want anything from me my first child... father.... i am so loving you... i will stay beside you.... but the father just nodding and give his promise too to his second child... he give half of his richness to the second child..... while then, the second child received all the wealthiness... he went away from his family to go abroad to another town... he spend all that he got and treat all of his friend... he had a very tremendous parties and spend all his money to his last dime..... while then.... the father hear and know everything about his second child... but he had promised to give everything that the second child ever request... and he must keep his promises.... while then.... the first child keep working and being very obedient to his father.... the days gone by... and the second child lost all of his money on his journey.... he doesn't have anything else afterward... and he doesn't have job to keep him fed.... he is poor now... and he is hungry..... very very keen of hunger..... and he come to a pig sty... he eat the food from the pig... he didn't kill the pig.... instead he grasp the food from the pig.... but in fact... he even didn't get the hunger eased... he is still hungry.... he murmured... even in my father's house... the maid eat better than me.... and then he hurriedly walk home... while then from a far.... his father who is always notice that what ever happen to his second child.... he open wide his hand and says to all of his maid... carry him here... and give him the glorious cloak... the most beloved and expensive one... and let us have a party... because my lost baby has return home now..... simply that the first child is not living in balance too... in my point of view.. he is envy, right? and while then.. the second child, even there has been a mistake.. he admit his fault... but then... in me, i often do the same mistake heheh... either being the first child and being the second child

Selasa, 06 Mei 2014


skedar curhat..... tadinya ngeh siii kalo ada yg merhatiin... tapi sok jual mahal... karna ngga mau kecewa nantinya... karna yg ngasih perhatian... spertinya merata ngasih perhatian ke hampir semua temen... scara gitu yaa... sama sama temen... entahlah... kadang ngerasa spesial juga... tapi kebiasaan seekor DOVE... jinak jinak merpati... kalo dari jauh aga deketan dikit... nari nari tebar pesona bukan kepalang... giliran dideketin.... terbang jauhhh ampe baliknya entah kapan.... dan begitu terus berulang ulang... males....... serius males laaaa..... skalinya mau konfirmasi... sbenernya lo maunya apa..... eeeee malah dibentak bentak...... engga lagi deh yaaa.... engga lagi..... gua aja kalo gitu cari sarang baru..... ampe lo nyadar.... apa kesalahan lo..... atau mmmm slama ini gua yg ngga ngasih respons dan bahkan ngga ngasih kepercayaan sama lo???? yaa gimanaaaa dong.....nelpon gua ngga looo..... apa lagi stelah ceklis dari akun ke akun.... heeemmm yauwislaaaa.... so long farewell auf wiedersen good bye..... maap ngga suka banget cowo cowo model PHP.... ngga gentle dan gak bisa jaga prasaan cewe..... gua cari yg lain dah.... u r not fire proof like u had ever said as well

Kamis, 10 April 2014


i just got an idea... how to fight to my recent job.... that i earn it so hard... and i have to fight for it..... NOT TO GIVE UP... but to fight..... at least bargain with it..... not just stand still without thinking!!!! u know what GOD is!!!! my brain... gotta find way to keep it in my hand..... it will last in my own choice.... whether it happen or not.... nothing is easy... and so i also believe... that will also happen in other place!!!!! silly me... and blame it on me... that somehow,,,,, I HAVE TO FIGHT.... not just NUMB!!!!